Medical Acupuncture
Dry Needle Therapy
Every body needs a little TLC
Medical Acupuncture, Dry Needling & Trigger Point Therapy for effective pain relief
Dry Needling supplies a fast and effective route to pain relief, using fine needles inserted into trigger points in muscles. Relaxing these trigger points can release long-held pain.
Because of their exact anatomical location on nerve pathways.
Where Western science meets Eastern tradition….
Dry Needling is an effective way to eliminate trigger points in taut muscle bands found in many acute and chronic injuries or pain syndromes. It is also used to stimulate healing in chronic tendon problems such as Achilles tendonitis and tennis elbow. In the case of trigger point treatment, needles are inserted directly into the muscle trigger points. These are over-active areas of muscle and fascia, a tough connective tissue that wraps around most of the structure of the human body.
Typically the needle is inserted into the taut band within the muscle until “twitch response” is achieved. Often a number of twitches are achieved within a session. There is then a reflex relaxation and lengthening of the muscle and trigger point. Most of the muscles on our body have a pain referral pattern, for example pain experienced in the front of the upper arm, shoulder and between your shoulder blades may not be the source of your pain sometimes it can be a muscular problem with a trigger point in a small rotator cuff muscle away from your pain.
Clinic Director
John Lancaster BSc (Hons) Ost
has over 20 years experience
All insurance companies trust The Lancaster Clinic with your health
Gordon Dawes